Message from The Chairman
I am impressed and pleased to know that Xebec Model School (XMS) has introduced a website and thus taken a bold step towards induction of technology. My whole hearted felicitation goes to the General Body & Executive Committee for their vision and decision appropriate for preparing the students as able citizens of our country. My appreciation to the Faculty Members for guiding the students curious minds into the realm of knowledge. I acknowledge the parents contribution in helping the institution perform their sacred responsibility. Above all, my advice to the students that they must utilize the opportunities to the fullest to establish themselves in the society and remember that they are the future leaders and icon in all fields of the nation in the days to come.
I wish all the very best for all noble endeavors of XMS.
Masood ur Rahman
Xebec Model School
Message from the Director
Xebec Model School (XMS) has taken an appropriate / timely step though opening its official website towards the digitalized Bangladesh.
It is indeed a matter of great pride that Xebec Model School (XMS) remains focused in conveying all information to its parents / guardians and well-wishers through website.
My heartiest felicitations to the Board Members for their guidance and initiatives. I congratulate the faculty and staff of Xebec Model School (XMS) for their relentless efforts to keep its every member with information updates.
I thank the parents and guardians for their constant support and cooperation which has indeed helped the students bringing laurel to this institute. My sincere prayer is that Xebec Model School (XMS) becomes one of the leading institutions not only in Dhaka City but also in the whole country.
I wish a prosperous future to Xebec Model School (XMS). May the Almighty Allah bless us all.
Dr. Rokeya Khatun (Shopna)
Xebec Model School
Message from Director (HR )
It is indeed a matter of unique pride and singular honour for me to be the part of the Executive Committee of Xebec Model School (XMS). I wish Xebec Model School (XMS) to be one of the reckoned institutions in the country. To be so, I urge upon the teachers to teach diligently and faithfully in the classes; students to acquire highest regards for religion, truth, benevolence, humanity, loyalty, justice and love for the country and other virtues. I also humbly urge upon the parents to suggest for the development of this premier institution; we the Governing Body will find the ways and means.
A tripartite effort will be needed for the holistic development of Xebec Model School (XMS). I humbly appeal to all associated with BIS&C to take pride. And pride will only be meaningful when we see the glorious faces of our children flourishing here in the premises of the institution and outside in different fields of their engagements.
I wish a prosperous future to Xebec Model School (XMS). May Almighty bless us all.
Md. Mamun-ur-Rashid
Director (HR)
Xebec Model School